What We (Still) Get Wrong about 9/11
Professor Zareena Grewal in Conversation with Matt Jacobson. Part of the ongoing “Democracy in America” @ the NHFPL series
Webinar Link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/95037511884
Professor Zareena Grewal in Conversation with Matt Jacobson. Part of the ongoing “Democracy in America” @ the NHFPL series
Webinar Link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/95037511884
Roberto Lovato talks about his new, highly praised book Unforgetting: A Memoir of Family, Migration, Gangs and Revolution in the Americas (September 1, 2020) with Matt Jacobson. Part of the ongoing “Democracy in America” @ the NHFPL series
Webinar Link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/99423396490
Professor Bill Rankin in Conversation with Matt Jacobson. Part of the ongoing “Democracy in America” @ the NHFPL series
Webinar Link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/92965736454
Professor Jennifer Richeson, the Philip R. Allen Professor of Psychology at Yale University, in Conversation with Matt Jacobson. Part of the ongoing “Democracy in America” @ the NHFPL series
Webinar Link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/99114650633
Thursday, November 12 |7:00-8:00 | Screening and Conversation on Akram Khater’s documentary: “The Romey Lynchings”
Professor Akram Khater will introduce his documentary film: “The Romey Lynchings: A Story of Lebanese Immigrants” @ 7:00, followed by the 26-minute virtual screening and then a conversation with Matt Jacobson.
Philip F. Rubio in Conversation with Matt Jacobson about the US Post Office and his new book, Undelivered: From the Great Postal Strike of 1970 to the Manufactured Crisis of the US Postal Service (University of North Carolina Press, 2020).
Webinar Tues Oct 27 @ 7:00 link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/94491196797
A collaboration of the Public Humanities at Yale and the New Haven Free Public Library
In this conversation, Professors Kumar and Jacobson examine how historians and literary studies scholars write about the present and for a public audience. Using Amitava Kumar’s Every Day I Write the Book (2020) and Matt Jacobson’s The Historian’s Eye: Photography, History and the American Present (2019), we will engage the various practices, politics and aesthetics of writing publicly and against critical moments like these.
Co-hosted by Public Humanities and The Program in Ethnicity, Race, & Migration
We will relaunch our “Democracy in America” Tuesday evening at the New Haven Free Public Library series as a new monthly Webinar. Our first event will be on Tuesday September 22 from 7:00-8:00. Matt Jacobson will be in conversation with Andy Horowitz, author of Katrina: A History, 1915-2015 (Harvard University Press, 2020).
Link to join the Webinar on Tuesday September 22 @ 7:00pm
Chris Newfield, University of California at Santa Barbara
Democracy in America lecture about white nationalism with Kathleen Belew