Exhibition Discussion - The Practice of Democracy: A View from Connecticut

Join us for a conversation with Elihu Rubin, Associate Professor of Urbanism at the Yale School of Architecture, and Melissa Kaplan-Macey, Vice President, State Programs & Connecticut Director at the Regional Plan Association, on the current Housatonic Museum of Art exhibition, The Practice of Democracy: A View From Connecticut. This site-specific immersion examines how justice, equality and power appear in our built environment – our cities and neighborhoods, the places we call home. On view at the Housatonic Museum of Art (January 17 - February 24, 2023). This program is presented in partnership with Public Humanities at Yale, the Housatonic Museum of Art, and the Regional Plan Association. It is part of the ongoing “Democracy in America” series, a collaboration between the New Haven Free Public Library and Public Humanities at Yale. Register for the Zoom webinar at https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DXo1lu3SQTeP6js-TizVSg